Common Brisket Mistakes

Brisket is a cut of meat from the pectoral muscles or the breast of the cow. When it is cooked, grilled, or smoked correctly, brisket can be a delicious treat that will keep your family coming back for more. Unfortunately, if you make a mistake, your brisket can be dry, undercooked, and completely ruined. Here are a few of the most common brisket mistakes you need to avoid. Purchasing Low-Quality Brisket [Read More]

What You Need to Know About Pairing Wine With Caribbean Food

Pairing wine with Caribbean island cuisine can be tricky because vineyards weren't traditionally planted in the region, so natural pairing traditions evolved over time. Winemaking still isn't widely practiced in the Caribbean because the area's wet climate isn't good for growing grapes, and although some microclimates exist where viticulture is a viable agricultural enterprise, the vast majority of the wines served in Caribbean restaurants is imported from countries with large winemaking industries. [Read More]

4 Ways to Use Suya Spice

Suya spice is a spice mixture that originated from Nigeria and is used on various thinly sliced meets. Suya is the name for a special type of roadside beef barbeque that is served in Nigeria. This spice mixture is full of flavor and designed to mimic that authentic flavor found on meat served in Nigeria. Read on if you'd like to learn how to use this spice blend in your kitchen. [Read More]

Types Of Pizza You May See On The Menu At An Italian Restaurant

At most Italian-American restaurants, you'll see pizza on the menu. There's usually one main option with room to customize the pizza by adding your own toppings. If you visit a restaurant with a more authentic Italian vibe, however, things may get a little more confusing. Instead of simply seeing "pizza" on the menu, you might see a few particular types of pizza listed. Keep reading to learn what each of these types of pizza is so that you can order with confidence. [Read More]